Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Bezuhla Liudmyla Serhiivna

242529524_6264315626975705_6871238676693213691_n.jpg Bezuhla Liudmyla Serhiivna
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Professor of the Marketing Department

Google Scholar
Web of Science (publons):

   Member of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Marketing Association”, certificate No. 480 dated 09/14/2020.
   Member of the Public Organization “Association of Ukrainian Marketers”, certificate No. 0087, issued on March 11, 2020.
   Member of the public organization “Association of Management Researchers”, certificate No. 0082, dated 09/08/2020.
   Member of the public organization “Ukrainian Association of Educational Researchers”, certificate No. 406/2020 dated 01.01.2020.
   Member of the Industry Expert Council 28 “Public administration and administration”, specialty 281 “Public administration and administration” of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
   Member of the editorial board of the “Collection of scientific works of the Taurida State Agrotechnology of the University (economic sciences)” Section 076 - Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities.                            

Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian University, specialty “Marketing”, qualification - Master of Marketing, 07/11/2008. 

Scientific specialty, dissertation topic, academic title for which the department (specialty) was awarded: 
    Defended thesis for the candidate degree of sciences on public administration on the topic: “State regulation of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in an information society”, Academy of Municipal Administration, specialty 25.00.02 “Mechanisms of public administration”, 22.12.2011.
    Academic title: Associate Professor of the Marketing Department, 02/26/2015.
    Doctoral thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences on the topic “Regional-innovative model of ecotourism infrastructure development”, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, specialty 08.00.05 “Development of productive forces and regional economy”, 06/29/2021                

Professional development:
  • Ukrainian Marketing Association, Lifecell CAMPUS. Participation in the cycle of trainings LIFECELL DIGITAL ACADEMY, successful completion of the final test (remote form), which certifies the full possession of modern knowledge and competences in the field of digital marketing. The features of the company's promotion on the Internet are determined. The calculation of metrics / KPI of digital marketing is comprehensively analyzed: indicators CPC, SEO, ROI, CPT, CPI, CPM, CTR, CAC. 15.11.2021 - 16.12.2021, Kyiv (Ukraine). President of the NGO "Ukrainian Marketing Association" Lylyk I.V., Head of direction digital маркетингу lifecell Bradulov P.O. 30 hours / 1 ECTS credit. Certificate No 014 from 16.12.2021.
  • Training "Accreditation of educational programs from A to Y: practical cases". Increasing the methodical and practical level of competence in matters of development, revision, updating, monitoring and accreditation of the educational program; compliance with the principles of academic integrity. 30 hours / 1.0 credits ECTS, 17-24.11.2022, Dnipro University of Technology, Center for Professional Development of Personnel, Dnipro. Certificate No. ЗКЦПР02070743-010-006
  • Participation in advanced training in the framework of the international project "Strengthening the Social Responsibility of Universities to Achieve Sustainable Development," which is implemented with the support of the Press, Education and Culture Department of the US Embassy, at the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. 60 hours/2 ECTS credit, September - November 2021, Ukraine, Irpin, Dnipro. Certificate No. 14-42/25.11.2021
  • Internship: Oles Honchar DNU at the Economic Theory and Marketing Department from 22.11.2016 till 22.12.2016. Certificate No. 89-400-119 on the results of the internship dated 01/13/2017.
  • School of Young Scientists - 2017, February-May 2017. Department of Education and Science of Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Council of Young Scientists of Dnepropetrovsk Region. “Academic Virtue: Compliance Issues and Dissemination Priorities among Young Scientists”. Certificate No. 023-2017 dated 05/22/2017
  • Internship: University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Nysa, Poland from 19.10.2020 till 21.01.2021. No. PL-14/BWM/2020

  • Methodology and Organization of Economic Research
  • “Green” Marketing
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Distribution Systems
  • Marketing Communications
  • Political Marketing
  • Business Process Management



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