Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time




Khmelnytsky Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute invites you to take part in the VI International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Modern economic system: Status and Prospects ", which will be held on 14-15 May 2015.
Invitation, Abstract example

Department of Marketing Department of Marketing of the National Mining University invites you to take part in the annual scientific student conference "Marketing the eyes of students", which will be held April 23, 2015.





Marketing Student Eyes: Proceedings of the 69th Student Scientific Conference. - Dnepropetrovsk State Universities "NMU", 2014. - P. 55

NMU Department of Marketing invites you to take part in the annual scientific student conference "Marketing by Student's Eyes", which will be held April 25, 2014.

Dnepropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University invites you to participate in the V International scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students "marketing management competitiveness" March 28, 2014.

II INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE INTERNET-"Management and Marketing in the structure of the modern economy, science, education, practice"
(state registration of 03.12.2013. № 815)

Department of Management and Marketing at the National University of Pharmacy Pharmacy Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Kharkiv) invites you to participate in the Second International Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference "Management and Marketing in the structure of the modern economy, science, education, practice," which will be held on 27 - 28 March 2014.

Department of Marketing NMU with Ukrainian Marketing Association invites you to take part in the annual international scientific - practical conference of students and young scientists «MAJESTY OF MARKETING» 10-12 December 2013. (Working languages - English).
More information about the conference...

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design invites young scientists and students to take part in the All-Ukrainian scientific conference of young scientists and students "Actual problems and prospects of development of marketing management", which will be held on 15 November 2013 (Kiev).
The invitation letter

Marketing Student Eyes: Proceedings of the 68th Student Scientific Conference. - Dnepropetrovsk, SHEE "NSU" Ukraine, 2013. – р. 68
Book of abstracts

4 – 6th of December. The Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “MAJESTY OF MARKETING»
More information about the conference...

20 April 2012. The Annual Scientific and Practical Student conference "Marketing students eyes rest"
Invitation letter

7 - 8 December 2011 in "NMU" at the Department of Marketing The VI International Scientific Conference for students and young scientists "MAJESTY OF MARKETING"




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