Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Shynkarenko Nataliia V.

photo_2022-07-26_23-01-30.jpg Shynkarenko Nataliia V.
PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor of Marketing.

Google Scholar

ORCID: 0000-0001-7519-336X 

   The member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association (Сertificate #313)
   Member of the Dnipro Regional Representative Office of the Industrial Gender Committee on Advertising, expert  
   Member of the project "Development and Implementation of the Dual Education Program in the Ukraine Higher School" 

Specialist in the field of marketing communications and exhibition activities.
Coordinator of career guidance work of the Department of Marketing.
Deputy Dean of the Financial and Economic Faculty of Dnipro University of Technology. 
Deputy Head of Marketing Department of Dnipro University of Technology.

1. Teacher of courses on the NATO-Ukraine military personnel Retraining Program (contract of the SHEI “NMU” with NATO).
2. Participant of the Project “Regional Representation of the Industrial Gender Committee on Advertising” in the Dnipro region with the support of the F. Ebert Foundation in Ukraine and the NGO “Ukrainian Marketing Association”.
3. Participant of the pilot project “Development and implementation of the Dual Education Program in higher education in Ukraine” under the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Representation of the Foundation Friedrich Ebert in Ukraine and the SHEI “NMU”.

All-Ukrainian competition of diploma works of students of higher educational institutions in the specialty “Marketing”: the diploma work of Master Klymovych V. on the topic “Marketing communications of the enterprise in the regional consumer market” received the Diploma of the III degree.

State Mining Academy of Ukraine, 1995, specialty “Economics and Management in the Mining Industry and Geological Exploration”, qualification Mining Engineer-Economist.

Scientific degree, scientific specialty, thesis, academic title for which department (specialty) is awarded: 
Ph.D., 08.00.04 - Economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity), “Exhibition activities of industrial enterprises”.

Certification training:
  • Training "Accreditation of educational programs from A to Y: practical cases". Increasing the methodical and practical level of competence in matters of development, revision, updating, monitoring and accreditation of the educational program; compliance with the principles of academic integrity. 30 hours / 1.0 credits ECTS, 17-24.11.2022, Dnipro University of Technology, Center for Professional Development of Personnel, Dnipro. Certificate No. ЗКЦПР02070743-010-157
  • Training "Survey of participants in the educational process as an effective tool for internal quality assurance of education." Improvement of skills for research and assessment of expectations and level of satisfaction of participants in the educational process with the quality of higher education and the state of the educational process. 15 hours/0.5 credits ECTS, 18-21.10.2021, Dnipro University of Technology, Center for Professional Development of Personnel, Dnipro. Certificate No. ЗКЦПР02070743-003-20
  • Participation in advanced training in the framework of the international project "Strengthening the Social Responsibility of Universities to Achieve Sustainable Development," which is implemented with the support of the Press, Education and Culture Department of the US Embassy, at the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. 60 hours/2 ECTS credit, September - November 2021, Ukraine, Irpin, Dnipro. Certificate No. 14-40/25.11.2021
  • Alfred Nobel University. Information on the results of the internship №583 dated June 16, 2018. Term of the internship from April 23, 2018 to June 15, 2018 according to the order in April, 13 2018 №45.
  • Public Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland. Certificate of the scientific internship with the work on “Methodology of teaching disciplines related to digital marketing”, 120 hours. The internship period is from March 15, 2019 to May 15, 2019.
  • T-Update Training Center. Certificate for participation in the event to improve the skills of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher education institution “Educational Landing. Performance of educational master classes”, 6 hours, Dnipro, October 12, 2019.

Courses taught:
  • Marketing Communications
  • Marketing Communications I
  • Marketing Communications II
  • Trade Marketing 
  • Media Planning 
  • Brand Management 
  • Advertising Strategies 
  • Psychology of PR and Advertising 
  • Marketing Strategic Planning



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